Igneous processes in impact melt sheets and controls on lithosphere evolution
The Earth experienced intensive impact bombardment from the Hadean to Palaeoarchaean, but the effects on lithosphere evolution are poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that bombardment led to near total reworking of the crust (Marchi et al, 2014), and may have resulted in differentiation of the lithosphere and the formation of early cratons (e.g. Grieve et al., 2006; Johnson et al., 2022). However, highly limited ancient rock records, and competing models for igneous processes operating in impact melt sheets, have precluded testing of these hypotheses and integration into models for Earth’s early evolution.
This project aims to test competing models for impact melt generation and melt sheet differentiation, capitalizing on two uniquely suited natural laboratories: the Sudbury impact structure, which contains Earth’s largest differentiated impact melt sheet and world-class Ni-Cu-PGE mineralisation, and the Kamestastin impact structure with a predominantly anorthositic target. The project will build on our advances in tracing superheated impact melt processes through microstructural phase heritage (White et al., 2020), and couple this with petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and thermodynamic modelling of melt evolution. Field study and sampling in both Canadian craters is planned, to complement existing sample sets. The outcomes will enhance understanding of Earth’s early evolution, ore-forming processes in Sudbury, and impact processes across the Solar system.
The student will received detailed training in impact processes and the petrology of impact melts from the supervisory team and Project Partner Gordon Osinski. Full support and training will also be provided for field skills and data collection, and the student has the opportunity to join an expedition to Kamestastin impact structure, led by Gordon Osinksi as part of NASA Artemis lunar mission training.
One-to-one training in a range of laboratory analytical techniques will be provided by the supervisory team and technical staff to ensure that the student becomes an expert independent analyst. At the University of Portsmouth, this will include Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) including chemical analysis by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and microstructural analysis by electron backscatter diffraction, Femtosecond laser ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry (fs-LA-ICP-MS) on our unique NERC Capital Equipment funded femtosecond laser ablation system, and whole-rock geochemical measurements by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. At Birkbeck, University of London, training will include quantitative microchemical analysis by electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). The student will also receive bespoke training in major element thermodynamic modelling approaches for igneous processes from Eleanor Jennings.
The project opens up numerous academic pathways, ranging from crustal evolution, igneous processes, economic geology to planetary geology. By bridging the gap between planetary and Earth science, the student will have a rare skill set to address major challenges on Earth and other planetary bodies. This is particularly timely given planned sample return and crewed missions to the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere in the Solar System in the coming decades (e.g. Artemis, Mars Sample return, Change-e programme).
The specific skills and knowledge generated during the project also act as a springboard for other sectors. Notably, work to enhance understanding of world-class Ni-Cu-PGE deposits will opening a wide-range of career pathways in the mining sector. The highly transferable analytical, field and research skills can also launch career pathways in a range of other environmental sectors, particularly those that apply detailed geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology (e.g. contaminated land, environmental monitoring, hazardous wastes, material development and recycling).