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Exploring the impacts of anthropogenic change on networks using microbial microcosms

Project Description

Humans are rapidly altering natural ecosystems, often resulting in fragmentation of remaining habitats. While consequent reductions in species richness and changes in composition are now well documented, the impacts on ecological networks remain poorly studied. This is important because network structure influences ongoing ecosystem stability and provision of ecosystem services. This project will explore how habitat fragmentation impacts network persistence in relation to the types of species interactions present (e.g. mutualistic, ammensal, competitive, parasitic). For example, fragmentation should have strong negative impacts on obligate mutualistic networks than on antagonistic networks, because isolated habitat fragments require simultaneous (re)colonisation by both obligate partners. The student will investigate these questions using a combination of synthetic microbial community microcosms (10.1093/jambio/lxae158) and agent-based modelling approaches (10.1098/rstb.2007.2061). The microcosm approach provides the opportunity to experimentally test how habitat fragmentation affects ecological networks in a way that would be extremely challenging in real ecosystems. This work has the potential to inform planning of habitats to conserve or restore, particularly in terms of spatial habitat arrangements. The combination of computational and in vitro models can be adapted to particular ecosystems to explore the outcomes of different conservation management decisions.

Research themes
Project Specific Training

Training in network ecology with TMF, training in microbial lab work and agent-based modelling with AF. All delivered 1-2-1 and as part of small workshops organised for lab members where relevant.

Potential Career Trajectory

The expertise gained in understanding the impacts of anthropogenic change on ecosystems opens potential academic and non-academic career pathways in ecology, conservation planning and ecosystem management. Training provided by AF in research software engineering, will open doors to a variety of computational careers in academia and beyond. The microbial microcosm work will provide a grounding in engineering/synthetic biology, an area that the UK government has stated is one of five critical technologies and for which there will be a £2B investment in R&D over the next decade. As such, this project will put the student in an enviable position to feed into a diverse biotech sector.

Project supervisor/s
Tom M. Fayle
Alexander Fedorec
Supervision balance